UW Bio UW ChemE eScience AICS
Lab Affiliations: NU CSB UW CMB

Biological function is governed by highly integrated networks that exhibit nonlinear dynamics at all biochemical/molecular, cellular, and organismal levels. We believe that engineering principles can be employed to better understand, predict, and control complex biological functions, and that these principles need to be informed by biology.

The Modeling Dynamic Life Systems (MODYLS) Lab operates at the evolving interface between engineering and biology, promoting a diverse, creative research environment consisting of engineers and basic scientists that share the common mission of advancing medicine and biology. Through this collective effort, we aim to identify design principles that underlie complex biological function, and modulate extrinsic factors to optimize therapeutic interventions.

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Zimo Zhu graduates from University of Washington with a B.S. in Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology. She will begin her graduate studies at Cornell University in the fall.
June 2024

Danielle Vahdat, a UW Biology undergrad, joins the MODYLS team.
April 2024

Jessica Yu publishes Model design choices impact biological insight: Unpacking the broad landscape of spatial-temporal model development decisions.
March 2024

Jason Cain and Jacob Evarts publish Incorporating temporal information during feature engineering bolsters emulation of spatio-temporal emergence.
March 2024

Sophia Jannetty receives a Riddiford-Truman Award for her work using agent-based modeling to study lateral root development.
March 2024

Po-Hao Chiu and Jacob Evarts are selected to present posters at the Biomedical Engineering Society conference in Seattle.
October 2023

Madeline (Maddy) Scott, a Johns Hopkins University alumnus, joins the MODYLS team.
September 2023

Allison Li, a University of Washington alumnus, joins the MODYLS team.
September 2023

Zimo Zhu completed a summer internship at Boston Children's Hospital
August 2023

Neda Bagheri showcases the lab's latest research at the Cell Symposia conference: The conceptual power of single cell biology.
August 2023

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